The new year brings new things and a new view. We are committed this year to updating this blog more often, posting all of our events and keeping you up to date with all of what we are up to.
This year so far...
We have 2 new Clients Nancy and James who are both doing an incredible job living at the center and doing the program. They have brought us closer together by their charisma and food. Yes James is a great cook and helps set up daily dinners at the apartments. Nancy keeps everyone up to date on what is going on and always has a cheerful smile for everyone.
Braille is being practiced a lot more at the apartments with clients helping each other out and providing help and encouragement.
We are planning on going ice skating in February as a group we will let you know how it goes.
The readers are back and along with studying and cramming for tests, they come out to the apartments to give us some of their time and we all have a blast. We are planning a superbowl party with snacks, and more. The teams are already forming and the rivalry is beginning to show, it will be fun!