Wednesday, May 19, 2010

2010 Employment Conference Notes - Dr. Fred Schroeder

These are notes I took from 2010 Employment Conference that Dr. Fred Schroeder spoke at. Dr. Fred Schroeder is a Professor at San Diego State University. He is a very good speaker and provided excellent information. Here are some quick notes I jotted down:

People thought I was only able to compete as much as amount of vision as I had to compete.

Do the things in life that you want to do.

It’s about attitude and not technique.

If the training is not hard then you didn’t put enough into it. Its an opportunity to learn about your blindness and how its going to be the rest of your life.

Challenge your own fears about blindness.

It’s an opportunity to get into the habit that you can do the things you want to do.

Staff cares about you individually.

Gain individual and professional experiences from other blind individuals.

Have to do the work for the next generation, move blindness forward, Collective momentum.

In the face of low expectations that are around all of us, if we are to achieve our goals we need a support system, we need to know other blind individuals.

If we collectively succeed we don’t seem so powerless anymore

It sustains us by being collectively together.

Society has low expectations for blind people.

Expectations are that blind people are “car pool dummies”

If staff is not pushing you then they are not doing their job for you.

You need skills but you need more than skills to succeed.

Networking and being active with a consumer organization is important because they have already dealt with the same issues.

They key element is thinking what your dream is in life and assuming that there is a solution.

Don’t hide the days when you feel discouraged about blindness. Go talk to staff when you feel discouraged about blindness.

Under the law, Employers can not use blindness or disability as a reason to hire or fire someone.

Monday, May 17, 2010

We are going fishing tomorrow, hope to catch a lot of fish. The weather is going to be just fine. Fish fry to follow.

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Summer is Upon us

Hello Everyone,
So the summer is fast approaching and the center is getting ready for the change. As with the change of climate (we are all thankful for that especially those of us not used to the snow), there are many exciting things happening at the center and the apartments. Thus upcoming week we will be welcoming our college students to the Center Life! Stephanie, Rachna, and Maida will be joining us starting this week. We are extremely excited to have them form part of the group, yes we are an awesome group, and inject us with some of their young energy! As soon as they get here we will get things going with a fishing trip. Stephanie's dad will guide us all in the techniques of .... well I don't know much about fishing, but I am sure I will learn it on Tuesday. The rest of the clients will be attending a vocational training program on Tuesday and Wednesday. They are going to learn job skills and look sharp.
Our director and godmother, Fatos will be traveling to Turkey as she teaches blindness skills with the organization Blind Corps ( We wish her the best on her travels and we can't wait to hear the stories.
Most of the clients are attending the National Federation of the Blind National Convention in Dallas, Texas. Some of our staff members will be there as well providing support guidance, and harassing the students in case they want to stay in bed and not attend sessions!
That's all for now! Enjoy the beginning of the summer :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

his my first posting, I want to say "welcome " to all.

Hey all!

Hows everyone doing today?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New Year, New readers and activities

The new year brings new things and a new view. We are committed this year to updating this blog more often, posting all of our events and keeping you up to date with all of what we are up to.
This year so far...
We have 2 new Clients Nancy and James who are both doing an incredible job living at the center and doing the program. They have brought us closer together by their charisma and food. Yes James is a great cook and helps set up daily dinners at the apartments. Nancy keeps everyone up to date on what is going on and always has a cheerful smile for everyone.
Braille is being practiced a lot more at the apartments with clients helping each other out and providing help and encouragement.
We are planning on going ice skating in February as a group we will let you know how it goes.
The readers are back and along with studying and cramming for tests, they come out to the apartments to give us some of their time and we all have a blast. We are planning a superbowl party with snacks, and more. The teams are already forming and the rivalry is beginning to show, it will be fun!